Friday, November 14, 2008

The Band

This is my 12 year old son, he is my youngest which makes him #6. He plays the drums in a band with 4 other 12 year old boys. The band comes to our home (garage) every Friday and they practice. Sometimes I am very impressed with the sounds coming from my garage, other times I wonder where such young boys learn what sounds like "acid rock". There are a couple who really are aficionados of all genres of music and I am impressed by their knowledge of bands from my era (their parents must keep their 8 tracks and albums handy to listen to!).
I am glad we can offer a place for these boys to practice and hang out. I have learned (in 25 years of parenting) that it is important to know where your child is, who his friends are and what he is doing. I figure that if I keep baking cookies and brownies and heating up pizzas for the band I'll at least know where he is every Friday.

1 comment:

sara e.a.* said...

i love it! i didn't know that dallin was in a band. he's such a darling young man.

aficionados? chris, do you have to substitute spanish for english because you can express yourself better in you second tounge? :) you are not alone! i've actually noticed that you do that a lot, and i love it!

keep blogging! it helps me feel less homesick for my havers.